Monday, April 29, 2013

Day 145



Oh, isn't this just so plain and simple.

I get annoyed by a whole lot. I'm not kidding.

I get annoyed by what I call, chronic liars. People who tell lies, obvious lies, and then argue for them with the passion of a person who's telling the truth. Scary business, it is, to actually believe your own lie.

I get annoyed by people who quote me. So, if you quote me, and you're using my quote to express the idea that I had when I said it, fine. But, if you twist what I say, or you apply it in a way that I don't agree with, that drives me crazy. I have a friend, ehem hem, that tends to tell people about stuff that I say, and it never seems to get back to me in the same context. Drives me CRAZY. "No, no, that's not what I meant" and "NO! I didn't say it like that at all!"

I get annoyed by people excessively touching me. Like, people who I barely know, who think that they can just tickle me, or grab my waist or anything like that. I hate it. Get your hands off. I don't know you like that.

I get annoyed by people who don't know how to carry conversations in which they are not talking about someone else. The sort of people who just don't know how to talk, unless it's about you-know-who or that-little-

I get SUPER annoyed by people who complain about not having enough time. I HATE it when you say, "Hey, me and so and so are going to get some coffee, do you want to come?" and they respond, "No, I'm sorry, I've got way to much stuff to do. I have a lot more homework than you do". And you're just sitting there like, "we take the exact same classes". I really hate it when people try and make you feel like they are superior to you in the sense that they are busier. Ugh.

I get annoyed by people who call out an awkward moment in a conversation. Like, the table gets quiet, and there's that one person who HAS to say, "Well, this is awkward". Thank you, for making it 10x more awkward.

So, Tulsi's dad said people don't like in others, what they don't like in themselves. I think that's very true, but I don't actually think that I do any of the things listed here. Probably because they aren't personality traits, they're more like actions.


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