Thursday, January 31, 2013

Day 94


Today was the last day of midterms, and I can't say I feel all that confident. I feel okay. Just okay though.

Because I obviously didn't get any homework, I spent my night watching Gossip Girl. I'll spare you the details, but I'm quickly agreeing with Eleanor. Chuck is entirely better than Nate, even if Nate is pretty...  Oh Gossip Girl.

I'm going to bed. I may revise this post later or something when I actually remember what happened today. Currently, I can only think of Chuck, Blair, and how much Serena upsets me.



Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 93


I'm not going to write a long post today, because I'm going to be a responsible young lady and get a good night's rest for my SCARY Science and Math midterms tomorrow.

Also, if you would believe how angry I am, the highest grade in the class for the a *certain* midterm was a 73! There were 100 questions on that test, so basically the person who did the best (and that is so not me) got 27 questions wrong. I'm not going to allow myself to complain or make a big fuss, I'm simply making an observation. The highest grade was a 73, that's all I'm saying. 73. I CAN'T FAIL A MIDTERM. I CAN'T FAIL ANYTHING PERIOD. I'm panicking, guys. I'm really panicking.


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 92


So, today I took my Health and French midterms. Health was... Eek. French was a breeze. I need practice concentrating I noticed. I always get sidetracked.

Wow... Today was pretty boring.

I am obsessed with a song called, "The Wanting Comes in Waves/Repaid" by The Decemberists. It's really good ( you know, I think so).

While I was listening to the song, I was sort of reminded by my lack of ambition in certain aspects. I don't mean serious lack of ambition, I mean... Well I'll try and explain and hopefully you'll understand.

So, the song begins with a guy singing to a bit of a slow tempo, then the song kind of picks up and all of the other instruments begin playing. The chorus begins and you hear back up singing "ooooh oooooh oh oooh". Anyways, I love that part. As with most songs I like, I try and imagine actually singing it. In my little daydream of singing this song, I wanted to sing back up. Just like with every other song. I always want to sing the harmony or the "ooooh oooh". That's weird, right? Why sing back up when you can be center stage? It reminds me of how I have practically zero desire to have an actual career. Career. Ugh. What is a career, anyway?

I think that if I ever won the lottery I would never get a job. I might teach. I might do publishing. Maybe, I could be one of those costume designers whose work I appreciate so much, who always make the clothing that people are wearing on films match the background. Do you ever look out for stuff like that while you're watching a program? I do, I love the color combinations.
Maybe I could design book covers. I'd like to own a book/tea shop. Grace and I have that all planned out, she's going to own the bakery next door. In my book shop, the floors would be blue, and the bookcases would be pretty mahogany. There would be a wall of picture frames and candles that would never be lit ( books are flammable). . There would be squishy armchairs and cute tables. The building would be brick with ivy on the outside and long windows. That would be such a wonderful little place. I would have dozens of different kinds of teas available. Really exotic stuff, too.

Oh that would be so awesome. I could go to work, pour myself a cup of tea, sit in an armchair and write a novel or something. That would be amazing. I wonder if I'd ever be good enough or committed enough to write a novel. I hope so. Maybe I'd get rich and then I wouldn't need to win the lottery. I'm rambling. I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore. Am I meant to sing back up? Or do I just convince myself that center stage is too hard? What am I talking about?


Monday, January 28, 2013

Day 91

Woah, I forgot. I'll fix this tomorrow.

Reminder: song, soccer, midterm, game, confession 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Day 90


Today I went to the competition at Rutgers.

I had to be at school by 7:15.
Celeste was going to pick me up at 7:05.
I woke up at 7:01.

I basically jumped up, and while I was brushing my teeth in the dark (turning on the lights would have taken too long), I was also putting on leggings and boots, and the skirt and tee that I was planning to wear.

I jumped into Celeste's car at 7:06, because I am freaking amazing. I'm just amazing like that. As soon as her mom began to drive away, I looked down at what I was wearing.

I was wearing a pair of legging/jeans, with a dress, a tee shirt on top, my old Uggs that have a hole in the front, and an old lady green sweater. OH MY GOD.

Celeste looked at my jeans and dress and tee shirt combo and said, "It's one or the other, Yasmine".

I ended up making the best of it with the jeans and tee shirt. Ugh.

The competition itself seems like it was days ago, because I slept on the bus, effectively wiping my memory of all events.

I'm in New York now. My uncle has been helping me etudier pour mon examen Francais (I really hope that that's right) . We also played Monopoly, which is the superior board game. I love Monopoly. You don't want to play Monopoly with me unless you feel like arguing. I'm going to tell you a little secret: I sometimes cheat, but I'm so good at it that no one ever finds out! Heeheheheheheheee... I try not to though, because I know that it's naughty, but I'm just so sneaky sometimes that I can't help it.

Sometimes I wonder if their are spies watching my every move, planning on recruiting me. I wonder if perhaps they sit around and listen to how quietly I can walk up the stairs.

Speaking of boardgames, on Thursday we played a Taboo US History in US History, believe it or not. And guess who won out of all of the classes? Me of course! My partner Shannon too, obviously. We're a good team, Shannon and I. We're partners for everything. Anyways, the other team was made up of Rai, and a friend named Riaz. Anyways, Shannon (who is crazy competitive) and I had to keep constant vigilance over them because they kept "forgetting" to give us points. We beat them really bad in the end though. When the teacher asked everyone for their points, Riaz kept shouting that we had cheated. Stupid. Shannon and I didn't cheat, we're just smart is all. Whenever I pass by Riaz in the hallway now, I pull the paper with our tally marks on it out of my pocket while he usually shouts that I'm a cheater. I swear that I didn't cheat though. You believe me, right?


Oh, come on.


This was such an obnoxious post, I hope that you know that I'm kidding! 

Day 89


Today, I went to rehearsal after school and I found out that my scene for tomorrow's competition has been pulled out.

You know, I guess I should have been a little bit upset, but I seriously wasn't at all. I understood why. We had taken on a very complex scene, and we need more time than just two weeks to perfect it.

More importantly, my Aunt Cindy had her daughter today! Her name is Karly! I have no idea how much she weighs or anything like that. Everyone was hoping that Karly was going to be a boy (my aunt didn't want to know). Secretly though, I had a feeling that it was going to be a girl. I just knew it.
Aquarians United!

Today is also my Grandpa's birthday! Yes, that was planned. Karly was born by C-section. Happy Birthday Karly! Happy Birthday Grandpa!



Day 88


So, I'm writing this on the Saturday after, even though this was supposed to be written on Thursday. Anyways, I realize that I really need to make sure to post on the day of, because trying to remember what I did is just hopeless.

The whole entire point of this blog is to hopefully make everyday immortal. I like going back and reading about events that I would have forgotten about. It's what makes this so fun.


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Day 87


I tried cherry pie for the first time today and it was absolutely delicious. It was kind of the only highlight of my day. 

By the way, it is incredibly cold outside. I'm not one to care about the weather (at all), but my lips were practically numb, and as I was trying to speak while walking to the bus stop, all that was coming out was a bunch of incomprehensible sounds. My face was frozen. 

We began our Lit mid-terms today. We had to do the essay portion only. I just want to ask one question: Who needs persuasive essays? When will I ever have to write a letter to my principal to try to convince her/him that "my friend" should organize the book drive. Ugh. Of all of the things that you could write about in Lit, you know?



The 3 songs that have been in an everlasting loop in my head all week:
"Flowers in Your Hair" By The Lumineers (Why is this song only a minute long? It's gorgeous!)
"Hear Me" By The Imagine Dragons (The 5 second intro drives me nuts, but then it gets awesome)
"I've Just Seen A Face" By The Beatles (flawless)

Bonus Story:

I was just telling Ella this weekend that I'm afraid that I might become a "type". I was on iTunes, and you know how when you're looking at an album, they suggest other albums at the bottom. I was doing that, and I looked at the suggested albums and I already had ALL OF THEM. Not one. Not two. I already owned all of those albums. Same thing on Barnes and Nobles. I was looking at a book last weekend, before going iceskating, and after I ordered it they suggest other books. On the list of 5 books, I had read 3 of them already. Please don't tell me that I'm a type. I don't want to be a type. I don't want to be predictable. I'd much rather be a bundle of surprises than be predictable. I'm over exaggerating. I'm being a drama, aren't I? Is that one of my predictable qualities? 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day 86


  So, I was asked to get to theatre by 7:15 this morning to practice for the competition on Saturday. I was on time, and when I walked in I asked if I could go upstairs. The security guard wouldn't let me go upstairs until the other security guards were in or something. Anyways, I wasn't allowed upstairs until 7:50. The entire time I was just thinking that I could have been asleep. Did she think that I wanted to waste my morning sitting on the front steps? Couldn't she have checked my bag herself for any guns? Ugh. Meanwhile, I'm complaining, but believe it or not I woke up at 6:55. I took a really quick shower, got dressed in 5 minutes, and ran. And for what?

  For the play that I'm in, I play a Jewish character. I tested out speaking in a Jewish accent today. I play one of the funny characters, and I can't decide if they were laughing at my jokes, or at my accent. Oi vey, it's gonna be hard.

  This next paragraph is going to be completely irrelevant to you unless you watch Gossip Girl, but I'm on episode 37, and I just want to slap Nate. How could you do that to Vanessa? I mean, do you kiss every girl that you maybe, could happen, sort of have feelings for? Nate has no personality whatsoever. Not one single character on that stupid show has the emotional range beyond the capabilities of a teaspoon. The only character that I can feel remotely empathetic towards is Blair, and she is a complete... well, you know. This show is so messed up. Remind me how it isn't completely crazy that EVERYONE seems to have dated EVERYONE.


By the way, Grace and I have gotten ourselves into an argument of sorts. I'm not going to get it into it, but I just wanted Grace to know that I most definitely won, because it's what I do. Also, I wanted Grace to know that she has been inflating an ego almost the size of Tulsi's and that if she doesn't pop it herself, I will consider it my personal duty to buy her a pen.

Haha, sorry Tulsi dearest. When I thought of the word "ego", you came to mind, naturally. Oh boy, I can't wait until the next time I see you guys.

I want Ayden to have my Beatles Collection, and, no Chase, he doesn't have to share.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Friendly Weekends


This weekend has been extremely busy for me! On Saturday, I went iceskating with Tulsi, Grace, and N'dia. I had a lot of fun. It didn't take me very long to inch away from the wall. It was Grace's first time ice-skating! She didn't do poorly at all! No one was skating as well as Tulsi though. She spent the time shadowing a figure skater, and by the time that we left, Tulsi was spinning (like on skates).

When everyone was finally comfortable on skates, we ended up in the middle of the rink dancing and skating to the rhythm of the music that was being played! We did this thing where we were skating in circles, some clockwise and some counter-clockwise. Now that I think of it, I hope we go again!

I did fall, if that's what you're wondering. All though, I have to say that I don't personally consider it a legitimate fall. It MUCH more resembled me deciding to take a seat on the ice. It was me taking a seat on the ice, in slow motion. Ms. Mollie had one of those cartoon falls though. She slipped and fell backward, and we were all really scared for a second, but then she just got up.

Afterwords, we all went back to Grace and N'dia's apartment building for hot chocolate. We ended up going outside to the backyard (they live in a really nice building). In their backyard, there is this narrow alley made of rock and stone, lit by a lamp, that looks like the scene of a murder. It's pretty awesome. The alley sort of goes underground, but then leads to a cement clearing between two buildings. The cement clearing underground is still outdoors, and there is a huge wall, and the ground is at the very top of the wall. Tulsi and Grace were telling me a story about how they were locked outside once, and they were forced to climb the wall and then climb the fence. Of course, they then decided to try and do it again.

Tulsi stepped on top of the banister to the little steps at the end of the alley, then let herself fall towards the wall, right before hitting her head, she grabbed on to the wall with her hands, threw her leg over the wall and used all of her strength to inch herself up.

This was a tall wall. I swear that it was at least 9 feet tall.

Grace went ahead and did the same. Then, N'dia tried and succeeded. I was the only one left.

Yeah right. Like I was going to do that. Ha... You're funny.

I was so set on not even trying, but then I thought: Yasmine, you are a Gryffindor. Prove to everyone that you are a Gryffindor. You may be Neville Longbottom, but you are a GRYFFINDOR!

But, I was not about to do the whole banister balancing act. I looked around the clearing for anything that I could use instead. I found a few cinder blocks, but they wouldn't be enough. I looked around and saw that at the other end of the cleaning, there was a ledge in the wall. I dragged the heavy cinder blocks across the clearing, and set them up underneath the ledge. I stepped on top of the cinder blocks, got a firm grip on the top of the wall, then I stepped onto the ledge, got my leg over, and got to the top.

I was so proud of myself. I am a Gryffindor.
I realize that either this story was about how clever I am, or it's about how I let peer pressure get the best of me. You can choose for yourself I guess. I don't mind (all though, come on, I am pretty clever, right?)

At the end of the day, I headed over to Ella's house! We worked on our scene for the competition. We also did a lot of not working on our scene for the competition.

The funniest thing happened. At around 3 in the morning, we decided that we were going to write a song. We wrote some lyrics about a swing in a meadow. Haha... yeah the song is about a swing. Ella put together some accompaniment on the piano. The lyrics were really naturey and poeticy, inspired by Florence and Of Monsters and Men. We spent a few hours on it, then went to bed.

In the morning, I woke up in a fit of giggles. I was just imaging how horrible the song must be. I mean 3 in morning? That's got to be funny. I was just thinking that we were going to open up Word and cringe at how sappy the lyrics were or at how bad the song is in general. We didn't, but it would have been funny if we had.

During breakfast, Ella, her mom, and I were talking about our Portuguese relatives in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, because every Portuguese person in the US lives there. I'm serious. It turns out that Ella and I may be distant cousins. Imagine?

Today is Monday. The Inauguration was today. I didn't watch it and I feel like a horrible American. However, I did attend the last Inauguration in DC, so that can make up for it. That was a horrible experience. It was too cold to function. Never mind, I shouldn't complain. It was great, just cold. And crowded. And I couldn't hear anything. And there was nothing to see. And it was cold. No, yeah, definitely not the best experience. All though it makes for quite a story. I could tell it to my grandkids one day.

Have you noticed that the endings of my posts recently have been pretty awkward?

Umm, well, BYE


Day 85


My Friday night has been spent in the most glamorous way possible: Cleaning the bathroom, specifically scrubbing the tiling.

You should be jealous of my swag, yo.


Sunday, January 20, 2013

Day 84


So, I don't have much to say about today. I thought that I'd share my satire essay with you. I wrote this in December, and now that I look at it again, I feel the urge to re-write everything. My fingers are just itching to edit, but I just don't care about it enough. I figure that I'm never going to touch it again anyways, what's the point of editing it? So here it goes, I hope that you like it. If I don't feel weird about posting the essay, I might feel comfortable posting some of my short stories. I don't know if I would though. I don't know.

A Disease of Productivity

            In recent days, it has become evident to me that the human race is currently in the process of fighting a terrible disease involving productivity. This is not anything new; in fact, we humans are not to blame. Millions of years ago, humans were born with this aforementioned disease, and I am happy to tell you that the cure is underway. You may be wondering what this disease is. Alas, you are very familiar with this disease of the human race. In fact, it afflicts you everyday.

            The disease in question is a matter of wasted energy. Everyday, intellectual humans waste their days away performing dull, menial activities. We disregard our time by brushing our hair, walking to destinations, and tying our shoelaces. Employees rot their brains away counting money, arranging files, and speaking to customers. I am sure that you agree with me when I say that our energy is being thrown away at activities that simple technology could effectively manage. Why do we so openly spend out lives unhappily lagging towards death? We are wasting our lives! We could be in an everlasting state of vacation and ultimate peace and intellect, but instead we perform remedial tasks by the minute. Fortunately, I now know that technology is the cure.

            The most strenuous of all barbaric activities is caring for a child. You have to feed them, cloth them, and worse: wipe their butts! Why should you waste your time caring for a child, when you could be doing so many more significant tasks with your time? Humans are smarter than a bunch of buffoons wiping butts and burping babies. This is why I present to you: the Butt-Wiper Super-Diaper.

            The Butt-Wiper Super-Diaper, informally called B.S., is a new technology that is sweeping the nation. The B.S. is a device that attaches itself to your babies’ bottom, and acts as an everlasting diaper. This amazing technological advance takes your babies’ feces, burns it, and releases the remaining gasses into the air. As this takes place, the Butt-Wiper portion is safely sterilizing your babies’ bottom.

            The team and I began developing the B.S. when the number of parents breaking their backs wiping butts increased by 30%! Compassionate humans could not possibly ignore a whopping 30%. This B.S. will drastically change your life. When I say “drastically”, I mean that your life will never be the same without this B.S. Think back to time spent wiping your babies’ disgusting, nauseating bottom, and now imagine what you could have been doing: Watching T.V.? Going to the beach? The possibilities are endless… And if you can’t get enough of the Butt-Wiper Super-Diaper, don’t you worry, because B.S. comes in adult’s sizes too! The human race will never have to use the bathroom again. In fact, call a contractor, because the disease that is the utter disregard for time will be remedied by 21st century technology.

            Why should you waste your time performing dull activities? Technology is clearly the way to go. No need to wash dishes, go to work, and especially not wipe butts! If we use technology, like the B.S., to their fullest potential, we can all focus our attention on being the super humans that we deserve to be.

I realize that this is actually my first draft of the essay, so I will try and find the final draft and switch it out someday.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Day 83


I am slowly beginning to freak out. January and February are going to be insanely busy for me. I have a competition in 2 weeks for which I have to memorize 2 scenes from The Importance of Being Earnest and A Streetcar Named Desire, with my beautious partner Ella. I have midterms in 2 weeks. I have to memorize all of my lines for the play that I have to be offbook for in a week (yeah right, like THAT'S going to happen). The play will be occupying all of my nights in the end of February. I'm not getting home everyday until like after 6:30pm, because of practise. Choir is preparing for the spring performance at The Lincoln Center (which was supposed to be Carnegie Hall, grr). I want to join outdoor track in a month or so. My birthday is in 2 weeks.

And meanwhile: I have to engage in daily nonsense in order to keep sane.

I am busy yo.

So yeah, forgive me...

Anyways, today was really cool. The choir teacher let us watch Open Mic after school. Probably because half of choir was performing anyways.

Open Mic is a night where anyone can sign up to get the stage and sing, recite poetry, play an instrument, etc. It's pretty cool. The cafeteria was set up for it. The lights were dimmed besides a spotlight on the performer. The French club was selling crepes.

As with most of these sorts of things, I have to admit that not everyone was an amazing singer or anything. But, the actual performances weren't really what made the night. It was really just the environment, and how sweet the audience was.

Whenever people forgot the lyrics to songs, the audience would just pick it up and sing along, same as when the singer was struggling. One student sang "Somebody To Love" by Queen. During the part in the song where it echoes "Somebody", the audience did the echoes. So it sounded like, "Find me somebody to love, Somebody SOMEBODY Somebody SOMEBODY Can anybody find me, somebody to love". It was awesome.

I hate to be awful, but I found it so incredibly annoying when people got on stage and declared their love for someone. Oh my, I couldn't stand it. Do that on your own time, sweetheart. Seriously.

In conclusion, Open Mic was quite an expierience.



Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Day 82


So today was a mess. Rehearsal for the play takes place from 4:15-6:15pm Tuesdays and Thursdays. What sucks is that Choir is everyday, and it ends at 4:15. So, I have precisely 0 minutes to some how get myself to the other end of the city. Perfection.

I asked my choir teacher if I can leave 10 minutes early, and my grandpa (sweetest soul on the planet) will pick me up and we would speed across town, and I would end up only a few minutes late. My choir teacher agreed, so that's good.

I left choir today with Ella and Celeste at my side, and we waited for my grandpa. My grandpa forgot about me...

So, we had to figure out how to get to rehearsal. We took all sorts of public transportation and ended up walking to far away places in the cold. We were late. We were freesing. We were mildly hungry. Most of all, we were tired.

You know how when you're about to be late, you begin to stress out and attempt to move quickly. Then, there comes the phase when you just have to accept that you're late. Basically, you give up. That happened. We were hurrying ourselves there, then all of a sudden it was 4:20 and we just gave up. Instead of rushing to rehearsal, we ended up poking fun of Celeste's use of the word "Porty Potty". Porty Potty. Porty Potty. It's just so funny.



Monday, January 14, 2013

Day 81

I've gone and wasted all of my time on YouTube. Well, I wouldn't say "wasted", any time spent looking at Jack Howard's face has been well spent.

I was too busy, you see. Reasons! Accept them.


Confession: every time I watch one of his videos I always end up dying of laughter, but I still think that he's a bit arrogant. He is. He is cocky and it's wonderful. I hate it. Ugh. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Day 80


So, my school day wasn't horrible. It was good in a rather plain way.

I really don't know what to write. I feel like I have so much to say, and I just want to write about everything. I don't think that I have the courage to do that though.

I sort of feel like a cup that's being filled with acid. The liquid acid rises to the top and begins to overflow, getting the table all wet. All the while, it's eating away at the inside of the cup and gnawing at the wood.

I'm going  to bed now. I'm very tired.


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day 79


I can't wait until the weekend. I can't believe that a little over a week ago, I was on break. The thought makes me grouchy. I'm exhausted! This week was extremely busy.

Today, I went to rehearsal for the play. By the time rehearsal was over, I was starving. I hadn't eaten since noon, and it was nearly 7pm. Ugh, I was so hungry and tired.

For choir, we're singing "Hallelujah" and "Seasons of Love". I love "Hallelujah", but "Seasons of Love" bothers me. I don't really like that song very much at all.

8th graders from some other schools came by today, and I got to talk to them. That was really fun. Breaking the ice and trying to get them to laugh and relax was rewarding.

That's my quick little update for the day. Tomorrow, I will write about the lecture in L.A. Lit today, because it was really interesting.



Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Day 78

Tomorrow is full of new possibilities! I promise I will catch up on Friday!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Day 77

Quick! How many languages can you say "Hello" in?


Hello- English (haha)
Alo- Portuguese
Bonjour/Salut- French
Alu- Morrocan
Merhaba- Turkish
Hola- Spanish
As-salem Alaykum- Arabic
Guten Tag- German
Ciao- Italian

  That's all I can do. You can attempt to beat me in the comments if you like! Merhaba, which is Turkish Hello, sounds so pretty with the accent. I learned it like Merr-abah. Well Turkish in general is very pretty to me. My favorite word to chant was "Tessekur Ederim", which sounds awesome. It also took me a second to think of Hello in Portuguese, only because whenever I speak the dialect I always say hello in English!

  Today, I went to the first rehearsal for the play "Laughter on the 23rd Floor". We read over the scripts and met the rest of the cast. It was fun, but I'm going to hate not leaving until 6:30pm! Ugh... Complain... Complain... Complain...


Day 76


Today, I went to Tulsi's house for a while! We listened to a lot of music: specifically "Eleanor Rigby" by The Beatles, which has been my recent obsession!

Also, have I mentioned how much I love Les Mis?

Anyways, Here is a funny video that Tulsi begged me not to film! I think it's very TULSI. I love it.

Tulsi reminds me of a flute when she sings, and Amy in Little Women (movie). In the best way possible, of course!


Friday, January 4, 2013

Day 75




Those are the sounds of an excruciatingly painful head ache. 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day 74


Yesterday, I did not post until after midnight. I have a perfectly logical explanation for this. I came home from school, completely exhausted after being sick for the last few days, and I passed out at around 6pm, and I did not wake up until after midnight. I had to finish all of my homework, and I wasn't asleep until after 3 in the morning. UGH... I'm so sorry... But, come on! Who actually considers midnight the end of the day? Not me, thats for sure (party animal tendencies, I have).

I really wish that I could have proper posted yesterday, because I had so much to tell you about. Firstly, I have an internet friend by the name of Jillian. Her blog is one that I stumbled across last year, and she kind of inspired me to start this one. She's a 17-year-old artist from somewhere in the midwest, I forget, and she drew me this picture of three of the Greek Muses:

Isn't it awesome? I think it's just too cool! I asked specifically for the muses Calliope (left), Euterpe (middle), and Clio (right). Calliope is the muse of poetry, Euterpe of song, and Clio of history.

This is her blog:

Thank you Jillian!

Guess what we're singing in choir? Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley! I'm completely ecstatic! I'm sort of upset that the sopranos don't quite get the original melody, it's kind of annoying.

I walked into school yesterday morning humming "Do You Hear the People Sing" from Les Miserables. That song is so catchy and uplifting, and it makes me want to march around. The scene from the movie was positively touching. Here it is from the Anniversary Concert:

I went to the dentist today after school. I really love my dentist, the building is so beautiful. It has that classic tudor paneling and stuff. Love it.

Guess what season is beginning? Oh you know, that totally lame show called House of Anubis. I mean, seriously, the acting is horrible. I certainly don't watch it, especially since it features Egyptian mythology and British boarding schools in a half an hour. I mean... who watches House of Anubis? Gosh, that is such a bad show, I can feel my cool cells just dying.

In L.A. Lit, the class was having a discussion about what is basically a loss of individuality. The teacher was talking about how when he was in high school, everyone belonged to clique based on what music they listened to and interests like that. There were the rap kids, the alt kids, the grunge kids, the pop kids, and the heavy metal kids. There were lots of different sects of genres of not just music- but people as well. The words choice and variety come to mind.

Now, it seems like that has sort of ended. He said that it's like everyone gets to be the cool kids, because everyone listens to and watches relatively the same programming. It's a good thing, because it means that barriers were broken. However, I find it sort of scary. I find it absolutely true that most people listen to and watch the same programming. I don't personally have a Facebook, nor do I like the pop house music on the radio, nor do I watch reality television, and I am usually completely lost during most conversations about most things. It's sort of annoying to feel a bit out of the know.

That doesn't change how scary it is that everyone my age absorbs the same programming. I think that programming and your environment tend to shape who you are and what personality you have. If everyone is absorbing the same programming and surrounding themselves with the same things, wouldn't everyone just be like everyone else? I don't think that's a good thing, that seems to me like a loss more than a gain. It seems like a loss of individuality and of the ability to know yourself through transcendence rather than what everyone around you wants you to be, or expects you to. Not to be harsh, but adults spend a lot of time convincing young kids that they are special, imagine if the answer is really "no, no you're not very special at all. In fact, you're just like everybody else..." That is Grade A scary.

The teacher went a little farther and said that, instead of having a box of crayons, all you have is gray. To which someone mumbled, "or we're all rainbow".

Anyways, I could go on for ever, but I really must end here.



Day 73

I'm so sorry... Ugh... I fell asleep.


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

I hope that 2013 finds you happy and healthy!

My New Year's resolution is to... take initiative and to stop wasting time! Tell you the truth, I don't actually have one. What's yours?

Don't Forget To Be Awesome in 2013!