Monday, April 29, 2013

Day 148


Thanks to Grace, I only got 3 hours of sleep last night.

Just kidding! I share responsibility!

Today, while I was walking to the bus stop with Celeste, two guys whistled at us. I was in the middle of saying something, and they were... how can I explain it? They were galloping towards us? I dunno, they weren't running or walking, it was something in between. And so, they were doing this gallopy thing and coming towards us, and then they sort of howled that I was "white and skinny". Because I was in the middle of talking, I didn't really register what they said until they were behind us, and I was mid sentence and I broke off like, "wait...what?" They were teenage, and I *stupidly* turned around in confusion, and they were laughing and winking at me and doing their gallop-trudge down the street looking all powerful and gross. Gross.

I'm not even white though, I'm so confused. I... yeah, I'm just so confused. I'm just shaking my head and squinting my eyes right now.


Day 147


Day 146



This is something that not a lot of people know about it. It's not like I'm embarrassed by it, it's just that CNN isn't a table topic.

I watch CNN every single day.

I just love it. I think that it holds some sort of sentimental value for me. When my parents were still married, my dad would leave CNN on the T.V. all day long, and I just sort of grew up with it around.

Right now, it's actually my dream to be a journalist for CNN. I'm actually seriously considering it. I want to be one of those journalists who goes to different countries to film. I would love that so much. AHHHHHH

I think CNN also has a special place in my heart, because no matter where I am, I can find it. Even when I'm in Morocco, and a people are talking back and forth in arabic (which I don't understand), I can always turn on the T.V. and find CNN, all in English.

It doesn't matter what's on, I love watching the news. I love watching The Freedom Project, because it's so inspiring. I love watching CNN Heroes! I love watching Erin Burnett Outfront, Amanpour., Piers Morgan at midnight, and especially Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown.

I remember, while I was in Morocco one year, I was watching Erin Burnett Outfront. It was a special edition, because it was filmed in Mali. The episode was so amazingly touching. It really made me want to cry. At the airport in Casablanca, there were actually a few Malian refugees boarding a plain to Saudi Arabia.

I actually consider myself familiar enough with CNN to criticize it. I strongly dislike watching Newsroom. I mean, the quality sucks! When Newsroom is live from Hong Kong, the quality is crap, and the background needs to be better. Needs work! When they're live from London, perfect. New York, perfect. Atlanta, perfect. I can flip to CNN sometimes, and just roll my eyes, because I know that they're live from Hong Kong before they even have to say so.

One of my favorite parts about CNN are the promos. I know that promos are designed for you to love the company, but they sure to work. The promos are gorgeous, heartfelt, and so amazingly edited! There's one thats playing now, that I love. It shows clips of the coverage that CNN did throughout the last year, and it's so amazing. The music makes it so uplifting, you know? I mean, that's not a reason to watch the network, but the promo is awesome. I hum it all the time.

I like how CNN gets different people to sit down and have a debate with one another. Instead of one person presenting their ideas, there is discussion and arguing. I love that. I also love how snarky the reporters can be. Piers Morgan may be arrogant, or whatever you want to call him, but I don't think it's unprofessional when he gets a little attitude. I think it's awesome to watch people argue over politics.

Okay, so there's my spiel on CNN.



Remember how about 3 months ago, I wrote on here that I could never be a reporter. Now it's the only thing that I want to be. Oh wow. 

Day 145



Oh, isn't this just so plain and simple.

I get annoyed by a whole lot. I'm not kidding.

I get annoyed by what I call, chronic liars. People who tell lies, obvious lies, and then argue for them with the passion of a person who's telling the truth. Scary business, it is, to actually believe your own lie.

I get annoyed by people who quote me. So, if you quote me, and you're using my quote to express the idea that I had when I said it, fine. But, if you twist what I say, or you apply it in a way that I don't agree with, that drives me crazy. I have a friend, ehem hem, that tends to tell people about stuff that I say, and it never seems to get back to me in the same context. Drives me CRAZY. "No, no, that's not what I meant" and "NO! I didn't say it like that at all!"

I get annoyed by people excessively touching me. Like, people who I barely know, who think that they can just tickle me, or grab my waist or anything like that. I hate it. Get your hands off. I don't know you like that.

I get annoyed by people who don't know how to carry conversations in which they are not talking about someone else. The sort of people who just don't know how to talk, unless it's about you-know-who or that-little-

I get SUPER annoyed by people who complain about not having enough time. I HATE it when you say, "Hey, me and so and so are going to get some coffee, do you want to come?" and they respond, "No, I'm sorry, I've got way to much stuff to do. I have a lot more homework than you do". And you're just sitting there like, "we take the exact same classes". I really hate it when people try and make you feel like they are superior to you in the sense that they are busier. Ugh.

I get annoyed by people who call out an awkward moment in a conversation. Like, the table gets quiet, and there's that one person who HAS to say, "Well, this is awkward". Thank you, for making it 10x more awkward.

So, Tulsi's dad said people don't like in others, what they don't like in themselves. I think that's very true, but I don't actually think that I do any of the things listed here. Probably because they aren't personality traits, they're more like actions.


Day 144


The next 3 weeks of posts are late, so they won't have to do with my day most likely. Sorry, I failed!

I asked Tulsi and Grace for topics to discuss, so I'm going to go ahead and tackle the first topic.


When I was younger, I used to have this recurring dream about being in my grandfather's room and crawling to the very end of his closet. He has the LONGEST closet, it goes on for about 10 feet underneath the staircase.

In my dream, all the way at the end, there was a spiral staircase that lead you to a secret floor of the house. It was a science lab and library and it had all sorts of old Renaissance looking knickknacks. It was awesome! I woke up one day and I tried to find it, because, you know, I'm a dreamer.

Obviously, it wasn't there, but after going so deep into the closet, it became my trusted hiding place. Unfortunately, I'm to big now to go very far :(




Khloe's 2nd Birthday with Grace and Tulsi. EDIT

Day 142


So, Tulsi is sleeping over tonight! EDIT