Today, I want to experiment with posting photos!
But, before that, I have a quick story to tell you. So, last night, I mentioned that my cousins Ayden and Chase were over, but they ended up sleeping at my house, while my aunt and uncle went to the movies.
This morning, Chase was running around, after he was told not to (He's 3), and so he was put in time-out. I sat him on a little stool in a different room, and he cried and cried. But, he cried in that fake, no-tears way.
My cousin, Khloe (1 year old), took a stool from another room and dragged it over to where Chase was sitting, and sat next to him. She brought a rubber ducky with her, and she gave it to Chase, and he stopped crying. It was so cute...
Ugh... So cute!
Anyways, as a birthday present to my Strawberry Shortcake- Loving sister, I gave her a glamicure. Apparently, a glamicure is a nail design that Ms. Shortcake wears, that looks like a strawberry. On the show, it sings to her and stuff. So, I gave my sister her own little glamicure. I wanted to post a picture of it, but the photo didn't come out the way I'd of like it to.

The mermaid I drew in art class last year. I really enjoy her skin color, it's such a pretty reddish brown color! You may not be able to tell, but there are some Euros, Dilhems (Morocco), and Lira (Turkey) on there. There's a brochure to the Harry Potter Exhibition while it was in North America (That was awesome!). The CD is from the 4th grade at my old school. The letter is from another awesomesauce teacher at... you guessed it... my old school! I don't really know what else to point out!
The poster that says "Call Me" is not what is seems!!! It's from my school concert from last year, and we did the actual song "Call Me" by Blondie. The blue poster of the statue and the pigeon was something Ms. Hoffman gave me. Thanks to her, I can't walk into my room without at least smiling. The two Harry Potter drawings, and the girl with fire behind her are all Tulsi's drawings. Ummm...
Oh! The card is from a little friend named Rachel. She gave it to me at the end of last year. It's so cute! It has a drawing of me and the T.A.R.D.I.S.! It's from when Tulsi, Grace, Rachel and I went to the park and re-enacted scenes from Doctor Who, and made up our own characters. My character's name was Olive Green, which is a bit of a vlogbrothers joke.
The colorful thing underneath the map is something that Miss Mollie made! The ticket next to it was my ticket to get into the Hagia Sophia. The dog next to the CD, is my old dog Kujo!
There's only one thing left, I think! The Declaration of Independence is something that my friends and I made in Social Studies a couple of year ago. I specifically wanted to point it out, because you won't believe who signed it!
The only thing is that Rai and Lauren are probably squealing with jealousy, because I got to keep it. Sorry:(
Au Revoir!
I love it! I need to read the Declaration of Independence sometime... Nice picture of Tulsi! I see you put Mandusa up there too!
You've got quite the eye for detail, haven't you?