Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Day 39: Frankenstorm


I have spent my day doing homework, playing Uno with my sister, trying to draw anime, and wasting time staring at things (my favorites are lightbulbs, my closet, and my fingers).

Unfortunately, the greater part of the tristate area was not so lucky.

Besides not having any electricity, the "Frankenstorm" didn't really affect me very much. But, take a look at the street in my dad's area in NYC:

  As the storm progressed the park and the boardwalk were under 3-4 feet of water. What's really crazy is that 2 weeks ago, I was sitting on that bench, and walking on that boardwalk, and then I look up the park on the internet, and this is the picture I find. Crazy.

  Anyways, my sister spent the entire day begging me to play Uno with her, and I really didn't want to. I figured it would be boring, you know, since she's 6 years old.

  But, she beat me 3 times in a row, and I was playing to WIN.

  Apparently, my uncle taught her over the weekend, and now she is some serious Uno player or something. I swear, she's really good! It's so funny!

So, I decided to have this conversation with her:

Me: You're really good at this!

Sofia: I know! This is fun!

Me: Do you like playing with cards?

Sofia: Yeah I do! A lot!

Me: There are lots of games you can play with cards, you know. Some of them even give you money

Sofia: Really? *astonished*

Me: Yeah, of course. For some people, playing games with cards is their career, it's how they make        money!

Sofia: What's that kind of career called?

Me: Gambling!

Sofia: Wow! I want to be a gambler!

Me: Great idea! We can BOTH be gamblers! Do you think I'm good enough to be a professional gambler?

Sofia: No, but I am!

*Mom walks into the room*

Me: Tell mommy what you're going to be when you grow up, Sofi!

Sofia: I'm going to be a gambler when I grow up!

  Yes, that really happened. Gosh, that is so funny. I swear my mom hates me. Don't worry, we explained to her that gambling's a bad thing and whatever. I love Sofia! The things I can get her to say!


1 comment:

  1. "That is so funny, isn't it?" Says Yasmina.
    "I'm gonna quote you!" Says I.
