Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Day 35


You know how sometimes, you go to bed with the complete realization that you have not fully completed your homework, but for some reason you feel calm?

Somehow, some force washes over you and you just feel like "whatever", or "I'll do it when I do it". 

I feel that way with my math project right now. I have one problem left, and I've just put it away... 4 hours of homework is exhausting! Also, I get distracted so easily. 

The only real reason that I'm feeling so relaxed about it is because I have a free period that I will be spending in the library tomorrow...

Something I find funny about my scores in math is that I either win or I lose. Every time. My test scores have been complete extremes. Either I get a score of a 100, or I score a 60. My test scores literally look something like 100, 100, 57, 100, 70, 60, 100, 65, 100, 100. Isn't that so weird? Either I REALLY get it, or I fail. 

In Language Arts, we're finding grammatical errors, specifically ones that pertain to misuse of commas. My personal favorite, one that always leaves me dying laughing is : Let's eat, Grandma! Let's eat Grandma...

I love that one! Let's eat, Grandma! 

Let's eat Grandma...

It's just soooooo funny! So funny!

I have to say it ONE more time! Let's eat, Grandma! Let's eat Grandma! (You have to do it with the alternating voices for dramatic effect!)


PS I was just randomly on the dftba website, and they have the awesomest stuff! I specifically love the posters with quotes from TFIOS, Paper Towns, and the "Daisy Buchanan is a beautiful fool" tee-shirt. SO cool. I love the quotes... Love the quotes...

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