Monday, October 1, 2012

Day 19


Why do you test me so? 

  For those of you who have the pleasure of knowing me, you will probably have noticed by now that technology and I have a bit of a love/hate relationship.

  I just...
     I just can't...
         It just...

  One thing really annoying me about high school is the number of resources on the internet. They are great, they serve the student purposefully. However, how many students actually use the dozens of pages we are given, each one with there own username and password?

  The teachers use websites like pbworks, engrade, tumblr, and wikispaces. It's very confusing business. The Language Arts Literature teacher, Mr. Flanagan, has 4 different websites for us. 3 of them have their own username/password. Some websites are for checking homework, some are for seeing your grade, others are for uploading material.

  Although they each could be potentially useful for me, I just... I never use them. Ever. It's so much easier for me to just write down my homework. My brain can not try to organize all of these different websites. I really need to fix that. The sight of another freaking URL will make me pass out.

  For Algebra 1 (it's a really great class! But, of course, math is my weakness), the teacher uses engrade, where you can basically see your average in order to know what you need to work on, etc. Before I could figure it out, I would sit there and (please don't laugh at me) calculate my average by using the percentages she had given us in the beginning of the year. Basically, if homework was work 30% and I handed in 3/4 assignments, I would figure out my average that way. I would calculate for every percentage, and it's really ridiculous. Moving on!

  I'm not stupid. I know that if I sit down at the computer I could organize all of these pages and make my life easier. But, I hate keeping track of all of these websites, and truthfully, I have no incentive. Today, I was on U.S. History 1's tumblr page trying to find the link to the online textbook, and I was lost. Completely lost. The worst part was that my friend, Javas, figured it out and showed me, and I felt like an idiot.

  But I also think that the reason I tend to ignore that type of media is because a portion of me just wants to sit down with a nice book and read it. What is the fun in downloading a book on to your computer? You don't get to flip the pages. You don't get to run your thumb along the spine. You don't get to sniff... wait... You don't do that? Anyways, people are always saying that my generation is  part of this big social media- driven/ internet/technology revolution.

  I guess I just don't want the classic kid with horrible posture because of textbook-heavy backpacks to die. Or maybe I'm just a rebel...

  Call me old fashioned, but I really don't want every single thing to be on the internet. It's easy! It's revolutionary! It's just not for me.

  This is coming from a girl who watches about an hour of T.V. a week (Doctor Who), doesn't listen to the radio (I walk, and there aren't such great Alt stations), doesn't watch the news (too depressing), and whose subscription to Teen Vogue has expired (I have no plans on renewing it). I live in my own little bubble, and I get the feeling that that's why I don't connect to that form of media.

  I don't even have a Facebook. 

  What's wrong with me?

  Every time I have this argument with myself, about the overuse of the internet in school, I also begin to think about trees and wasting paper, and it's just a horrible problem without a solution.

  Well, the problem has a solution, It's just not one that I am particularly fond of.

Don't judge me :)


Confession: I love soy sauce more than the average person. I'm sure many of you reading this right now are thinking "I love soy sauce!", but no. You can't possibly love it the way I love it. This is going to sound crazy, and believe me, I almost don't want to share this with you, but I drink soy sauce. I pour a couple of teaspoons onto my bowl or whatever, and I use a spoon. Embarrassing. 


  1. Ha ha. Every time N'dia has sushi (which is every day) I make her pour soy sauce in my hand. To drink. She thinks I'm crazy. ( doesn't everyone?)

  2. I've never been that fond of soy sauce.... :( I don't have a Facebook! And good for you for not having one! Old-fashioned kids are coolio and awesome! I think this is so weird, but I sniff books too! I either like the really, squeaky-clean-new smells of a new beginning and being the first one ever... or the 70-year-old smell of love and thousands of curious fingers and yellowing pages and dust and hand-me-down knowledge... Mmm...

