Thursday, October 25, 2012

Day 36


Today wasn't bad. I mean, today was decent. There were some extreme upsides, but also a lot blegh.

In health, we were learning about Body Mass Index, which is basically a scale that compares your weight to your height and determines whether or not your weight is appropriate.

Almost all of the girls, including me, who were about 5ft. 3" and weighed between 97-110 pounds were considered underweight on the BMI chart. I seemed to find that ridiculous, because we live in AMERICA. We have food. Lots of it.

So, yeah, apparently I'm underweight, so was about 60% of the class.

The teacher kind of turned around and told everyone that the scale we were using wasn't that accurate and not to worry about it. People tend to think that because I'm quite skinny that I don't eat as much, but they are soooo wrong. When I get home, I spend my entire day in the kitchen. I know that you probably don't believe me, but it's true. I'm quite an expensive kid, constantly depleting edible resources, I am. However, I eat a lot of fruit and crackers. Fruit and crackers ALL DAY. I hardly ever get enough protein though, unless meat is a) barbecued or b) soaked in soy sauce or some other asian sauce-thing I tend to not like meat. Same thing with rice, I hate rice, I only eat it when I drown it in soy sauce.

Lately, I've been eating a lot of chocolate and sweets. In the past few days I've had donuts, pie, cake, cookies, and today I ate a pop tart. Every night since last week (when the whole sweet tooth thing started), I have been waking up, walking to the mirror, and expecting to see a pimple. I'm just waiting for that acne... It's coming. There has to be some consequences to my reckless behavior.

In L.A., we're still on satire (which is awesome). We have a project about "The Simpsons" soon. I'm excited...

We're also still on the comma thing. For homework we had to make up our own. My first sentence is describing a kick boxer with a serious face:

She punched, her face harder than usual.

The second sentence is:

She punched her face harder than usual.

It's not as good as grandma, but it was the best I could do! On the bus with a friend named Jasmine today, I could not stop laughing about the grandma one. It's just so good...

After school, I stopped by my old school to see Ms. Mollie. She wanted me to go and see the Haunted House. It was AWESOME! The haunted house was so cool! To get in, you have to crawl on a plank in the dark. That leads to a room where there is one of those tables, and it has a plate on it, and hole for someone to stick their head through. Tulsi tried it out while I was there, and we told her to say funny stuff like, "Hey, can you scratch my nose!"

Anyways, I got home and I quickly did my homework. As planned, I watched my very first episode of "Buffy". I liked it... It was exactly what I had expected. Thank goodness for Netflix!

On a random note," The Lizzie Bennett Diaries" on YouTube is getting kind of awesome. The web series is a modern day spin off of Pride and Prejudice! Having read the book a few months ago, and having watched the miniseries version, I am so excited! Darcy proposed for the first time!!!!! I'm ecstatic, the entire plot is unfolding! Lizzie didn't say so, of course, but she said all sorts of weird things about how Darcy randomly stopped by and how he said something "weird". Watching the episodes, I can feel the actual storm brewing and I am so excited! Soon, Lizzie will find out the whole plot, than hate Darcy, than realize that she loves him, than go home and be boring, and than she will run into him again and tell Darcy that she loves him, than Darcy, who loved her all along will propose while they're walking, and I AM SO EXCITED! Can you tell?

While reading the book, I always got excited every time Darcy was mentioned. Same thing with Harry Potter, any time he thought of Ginny in book 6 or 7, I would want Harry to stand up and tell Ginny how he feels. Especially that chapter where he and Ron run in on Ginny and Dean "snogging" and Harry starts freaking out! I love how he goes back and forth over why that bothered him, and you can sense that he settles on that he must like her, but he doesn't even let himself think that! I just thought about it, and if I attended Hogwarts, I would be going to the Yule Ball this winter! If only... School is so boring compared to Hogwarts!

Which reminds me of something! Every song by A Fine Frenzy is about love woes and whatever. The stupid thing is that in the song "You Picked Me", the lyrics are really demeaning!

Like an apple on a tree
Hiding out behind the leaves
I was difficult to reach
But you picked me
Like a shell upon a beach
Just another pretty piece
I was difficult to see
But you picked me
Yeah you picked me

Not only does she literally say that her significant other picked her, but she also goes on to talk about how she was "just another pretty piece"! No! You were not "just another pretty piece", you were you, and that's original enough. The entire song focuses on this horrible idea that relationships are initiated from a male's POV. As if she couldn't have picked him, not that he even need to be picked. People aren't picked... 

In the song, the guy didn't go to the supermarket and look in the canned goods section for his favorite brand of girlfriend, and than realize "Oh! There she is! Right behind the string beans! You were hidden, weren't you? Well, I pick you."

The song sure does have a catchy tune though. That song is her only virtually happy song and it still manages to depress me. 


PS When I was younger, I begged my mom to let me hatch chicks for a science fair project. We built an incubator and everything, and the day that the chicks hatched, I got to name them. Do you know what I named them? John, Sam, Jenny, Jack, and Suzanne (after my teacher at the time). I can't believe that I named those adorable little fluffy chicks such horribly boring names. Seriously? A little tiny ball of fluff, and 7-year-old me named him John? WHY? I loved those chicks so much, I would spend so much time just holding them and chasing them around the backyard. I remember that Jack was a bully, and he was always bothering Suzanne and Jenny (wait...). We ended up giving them to a farm in Pennsylvania. Actually, I don't think I was ever really officially told where the chicks (who had become chickens) went. 

Thinking about this whole ordeal with the chicks, I'm starting to feel like I was lied to... 

But seriously, Sam? John? Jenny? Jack? Suzanne? I'd never really talked about my chickens before, but now that I have, I can't believe what I named them! Have a little imagination... 


  1. Replies
    1. Good question! I'm not sure! John and Jen are such classics, you know?
