Thursday, October 18, 2012

Day 31


Today was fine I guess...

On the contrary, I think that people thought that I was in a moody mood today, but I wasn't. I was just maybe a little more thoughtful. As the day progressed, however, I did start to feel moodiness kick in.

Me being moody is mostly just me not talking to anyone very much. Sometimes you just feel like it. I just felt like blegh for the greater portion of after-lunch time.

In history, we were supposed to be outlining an entire chapter, so naturally, everyone simultaneously gave up after 10 minutes of dedication, only to realize that there were like 20 more pages to outline. I was moaning and groaning, and I kept switching positions in my seat. Everyone just ended up joking around and laughing.

I think people have more fun joking around and laughing when there is a teacher that they're try to hide from. Half of the fun part is trying to keep quiet and keep your voice low.

History definitely cheered me up. The two people I sit next to happen to be in my health class as well, we were dying over this one thing that happened one time. Oh gosh, that was so funny.

I'm being so incredibly vague.

I tired...
