Wowza... This post is completely intimidating me. I have so much to write about, but I have no idea where to begin.
Sorry if there is literally no organization in this post. I have a horrible stomach ache, and I'll explain why later.
So, yesterday I went to a production of "Spring Awakening" at Farleigh Dickinson University with theatre. It was awesome. The music and the actors were very good. If you've ever seen the play, you would know that there is some brief nudity and adult themes, like suicide and stuff, but they sort of watered it down. It was every emotional.
Afterwords, we heard the spiel and we were supposed to get a tour, but it was raining cats and dogs.
That was when I got back on my phone and read Ms. Hoffman's really nice comment, and I completely spazzed out. Ella and Rai were sitting there wondering why I look like I'm crying, with my face in my hands, bent over, randomly twitching. Ella took my phone and told me to calm down. Rai just laughed.
I don't know. It's not that serious, right? But, I was completely thrown off by it, and the comment made me feel so good, and I didn't know how to respond to it... Ugh! I'm so weird. I should have just smiled or something...
After returning from the field trip, I was supposed to go to French Movie Night at school, but I would have been too late, so instead I went to a volleyball game.
The game was awesome! I was this close ( this close) to loosing my voice. Obviously, I used to be on the team, so I felt obliged to make the most noise. Celeste was embarrassed by me. Very much.
During the game, I left the gym for second to find a water fountain to refill my bottle with, and my health teacher eyed me, smiled, and than an epiphany crossed her face.
"You never handed in your donation for Breast Cancer!"
Oh crap. She told me to wait in the hallway, because she wanted to speak to me. Meanwhile, I'm talking to one of the varsity players (their game just ended), and she's being all friendly and nice, and I mention that I'm about to be yelled at by the health teacher, and she gives me those understanding eyes and murmurs, what you think she murmured.
It wasn't half as bad as we expected! She asked for my address and number and told me that she would pick it up from my house. That was so strange, but whatever. Anything to stay on her good side...
I went to sleep at 9 o'clock and I woke up this morning at 11 o'clock. I have never slept so long in my entire life. Everyone in my family knows that I am a complete night owl. I stay up writing and listening to music, and doing random stuff (YouTube). So, me asleep at 9 is comparable to...actually it's not comparable!
Today I went out to the city with the usual bunch.
We went to this exhibit in Chelsea, where this whole room was constructed to completely trick your senses. You could stand there and swear that you're standing strait, and then you look into the mirror, and you're at an angle. I made sure to take some pictures.
That was awesome! The pizza we ate afterwords was crazy delicious as well!
We took the train over to Central Park (which was awfully difficult, since nothing was doing what it was supposed to be doing).
At Central Park, I was immediately paired with Grace, and we played hide-and-go-seek,
The Hunger Games style.
Grace and I went all out and did the whole mud stripes on our arms, and we hid in trees and atop rocks. You could never find us. We found N'dia so many times, but she is so amazing at escaping. One time, Grace and I completely had her trapped on both sides, and she just jumped into some bushes and underbrush and disappeared. Poof.
Eventually Grace and Tulsi were killed. Followed by N'dia, so I won! But, that's arguable. Not really, but Tulsi thinks so...
As we were leaving the park, we decided to walk into Sheep Meadows where they had telescopes set up by Amateur Astronomers Association of New York. So, we saw the BEST views of the moon EVER. You could see every single tiny crater, and it was so crisp and clear! We also got things like hats and cool facts, Grace and I ended up giving our glowsticks to these two little girls whose own glowsticks we couldn't get to work well. I took this picture of Tulsi and N'dia looking like opossums.
Eventually, we did get back on to the train and home. Grace and I sang the whole way back. While, we were in the car, a certain someone (whose name I will not release), stunk up the entire car with her eau du manure. We had barely noticed how terrible she smelled while we were in the park, but once we got into the confined spaces of the car, it was so horrible. I thought it was the funniest thing. Everyone was making fun of her.
Anyways, Miss Mollie thought that I should name this post "About How I Never Get To The Castle", because every single time we go to Central Park I ask to go to the castle, but we always get sidetracked and end up no where near it. So many times, we have been so close, and I still haven't seen Belvidere Castle, which she finds very funny.
When I got back to Tulsi's house, I asked to use their computer to finally respond to Ms. Hoffman's comment, and my stomach knotted up. I wanted to say thank you, but I didn't know how. So, I just did my best. Now, I have a stomach ache. But, that doesn't mean that I don't like it when people leave nice comments, it's just that I get so happy by these weird little things, that I don't know how to produce words out of that. I'm so weird. I'm so weird. I'm so weird.
Grace: I know that you're going to point out that I forgot to write about something, so you can write about whatever I forgot to write about in the comments.