Hmmm, what happened today? Well, I spent the entire weekend catching up on a weeks worth of homework. Not fun. Not fun at all. I am so busy this week, I just can not wait until Spring Break.
I felt so loved today. When I walked into school, a lot of my friends ran up, hugged me, and asked about my trip. During Phys. Ed., the class was jogging, and I saw my friend Jasmine up ahead, and I sped up to meet her. She screamed so loud and in this shrill voice (that everyone in the Freshman class can identify as Jasmine's). Jasmine is such a character. She's absolutely wild, but I love her.
Yikes, I can't elaborate much further. I have work to do!
Hmmm, what happened today? Well, I spent the entire weekend catching up on a weeks worth of homework. Not fun. Not fun at all. I am so busy this week, I just can not wait until Spring Break.
I felt so loved today. When I walked into school, a lot of my friends ran up, hugged me, and asked about my trip. During Phys. Ed., the class was jogging, and I saw my friend Jasmine up ahead, and I sped up to meet her. She screamed so loud and in this shrill voice (that everyone in the Freshman class can identify as Jasmine's). Jasmine is such a character. She's absolutely wild, but I love her.
Yikes, I can't elaborate much further. I have work to do!
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