Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day 48


Today was really stressful.

I would try to explain all of the stresses and blah di blah, but I just don't think that you're that interested, so I won't for your sake.

I thought I would write about some of my typical nightmares.

  I live fairly close to a grocery store. The perk about living so close to one is that you can run on over and pick something quick up if you ever need to. It's very convenient.

  The thing is that this particular grocery store is on a main street, so it's a pretty busy store. Sometimes I bump into teachers, friends, and a bunch of random people. Mostly teachers though.

  I know that you may be thinking: Yasmine... Where is the scary part? I don't get it.

  Don't you worry... It's coming.

  The scariest thing is when I walk into the store and I'm in sweats and Uggs, I haven't brushed my hair particularly well, and I'm looking for toilet paper and I hear, "Hi Yasmine!"

  Don't get me wrong, I'm happy enough to see people. But yeah, SCARY.

  I'm not very good with words and things of the verbal variety, so these situations DO NOT play out well. But, you know, Gryffindor.

  Something really random is that I always have to cough before I speak, like some 80-year-old man. I raise my hand to answer a question, and I usually try to speak, then only croaks come out, then I cough, and then I try to talk. It's not good. Why does this happen to me?

  I used to walk to school with two of my friends and they would always make fun of my raspy morning voice. I bet that you didn't know that I was an 80-year-old man.

  Fooled you didn't I?

  I'm making this a super random post, so I think I'll stick with the randomsauce.

  On Blogger, they allow you to count your views. They tell you the number of views in each country, and I personally find it really cool. Imagine, someone random in Sweden or China just happens to land on my page and they read (assuming that they speak english) about how I ducked underneath a turnstile at a train station, or about how I know a girl whose names begins with a C and rhymes with rest. I just can't believe that that actually happens.

  Anyways, the demographics change everyday, and I wanted to post them on here.

United States
United Kingdom

  Anyways, I know that those are really tiny numbers of people, but I just can't imagine how they turned up here. I am such a minuscule little freckle on the face of the internet, how on Earth did you end up here?

  I really wanted to leave that here, because in a few months I can go ahead and check back and see how much it has changed. However, between those times, I want to disable the view count thing, because I don't want to start to care. If I care a lot about how many people happen stumble along here, I will be way to overwhelmed, or I'll try too hard to please them, instead of doing what I'm here for. You know?

  So, I think that we should all say hello to Mr. ViewCount.

  Goodbye Mr. ViewCount. 

  We shall meet again some day. 


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