Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day 44

Hello there dear friend!

I think I forgot to mention yesterday that I'm back in school. Today was the first full day back!

I forgot how much I like school... Ahhh... School!

Anyways, I've been going to bed way too late, so I desperately need some sleepy time. If I could choose my sleeping hours, I would like to sleep from 1:00 am to maybe 7:00 am. But, I'm pretty sure that that's a little tiring. Maybe just a little. On a normal day, I sleep from around 2:30am - 11:30 am. That's a really long time. I hate it because when I wake up, at noon, I feel like half of the day is gone. I wish I were a morning person, but I hardly ever see morning. I'm a complete night owl when I want to be, it's just that there's no one to interrupt you, or tell you to do something at night. You get to do whatever you want for as long as you want, besides sing loudly. I hate the no-singing-loudly part. Technically, it should be no singing at all, but then, I'd probably just go to sleep. What's the point, right?

I thought I'd share this: 

Remember the super awesome history teacher I mentioned once? Yes... this is indeed some of his fine work. I'm sure that we can both agree that this is brilliant. 



  1. I wrote the one about the Great Depression!

    ~Gracie :)

    1. Ha! I hope that you didn't get that notion from me?

  2. I couldn't think of any thing to put up, so I sat back and took all the credit.
