Monday, December 3, 2012

Day 58


So this isn't easy for me to say... and I don't really know how to explain myself.

I just want you to know that no matter what is about to be said, I am still that Yasmine that you know and love (or not love).

Well... Gosh, I just don't know how to.... Well I have a certain, a certain problem of sorts, you see...

I guess I'll just jump right into it:


Okay, I said it. Judge me. Judge me now.

The idea behind Gossip Girl is so stupid and predictable and brainless and everything I hate in television. It doesn't teach anything, it doesn't have any essentially "good" characters, it revolves around TEENAGE GIRLS and their boyfriend dramas, and worst of all: not a single ounce of clever and witty dialogue. I need my wit, it's the reason I love Doctor Who but not most other SciFi, Doctor Who is the epitome of wit ("The Doctor's Wife" am I right?) and SMARTNESS ("Blink" and "The Pandorica Opens"/ "Big Bang Two"), and that's why it was for awhile the only television I watched (Besides Merlin, which I watch so that I can look at the pretty costumes, and stare at everyone's beautiful faces).

But Gossip Girl is so epic and addictive! So DRAMATIC, and everyone is so mean. The plot twists are predictable, but I still find them awesome. Blair is so... horrible, but she is the only character that seems "real", even if she has the most horrendous attitude ever. Serena is a smidgen boring, but I can't help but root for her. Chuck is such a... disgusting human being, and I keep thinking that he looks like a marshmallow (I had this debate with Eleanor, and I've decided that maybe he doesn't look completely like a marshmallow, only a little). Nate is easily the best looking guy on television, but he wasn't given ANY personality whatsoever. Jenny is stupid beyond measure. Lily is wonderful, even though she's a horribly superficial and unemotional mother. Dan is the bohemian awesome guy, who I'm bound to like, but I surprising find him too sensitive and too easily at Serena's fingertips. I don't know, I just find him a little one dimensional. Rufus is also very cool to the tenth power, but so easy about persueing romantic interests. How could he possibly get over Lily, the so-called love of his life, in less than an episode's time. It just irks me.

Anyways, Friday night I went home and watched 13 episodes of Gossip Girl back to back to back.

I don't know what's wrong with me, I just can't help it...

Please don't judge me, it's such crappy television, but it's sooooo wonderful at the same time. I love it, but I hate that I love it. Make sense? I mean, what's YOUR guilty pleasure?

Mine is obviously luxurious teenage drama portrayed by amazingly attractive twenty-somethings who are completely out of touch with the world, yet manage to have the most the most complex social lives to exist, ever. I love it. I love it. I love it. All I need it ice-cream, and I know what I'm doing over winter break.


Confession: Whenever I cross a street that has a stop sign, and there's that slow moment when you're not sure if the car is going to stop and let you cross, even though they obviously will, I always mumble, "Me first!"

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