Happy Holidays!
Truthfully, I would much rather tell you about Christmas, but a promise is a promise, and I have to start at Thursday.
Thursday, plans were announced for the winter play, and I got a part! The play is
Laughter on the 23rd Floor and I got the part of "Milt". I'm decently excited, but I'm just not the kind to anticipate. While everyone else was jumping for joy, I just sort of smiled and nodded. I'm only excited when things actually commence, not before. For instance, this summer, I didn't really acknowledge the trip to Istanbul the weeks before, I just sort of kept calm. As I walked out of Ataturk Airport, however, it finally struck me, and I wanted people to take a picture of me crossing the street, because
oh my goodness gracious I'M IN TURKEY. In a way, I think it's a sort of defense mechanism against disappointment.
Also on Thursday, I learned how to play poker. I think I'll teach the little gambler now.
Friday, we had to bring in food for a holiday feast at school. We spent the morning in our homerooms watching movies and playing games. We played this really funny game called "Elephant Master". I'd played it before with the volleyball team, so I had to teach it to everyone, which I don't mind. It's really awesome, and I'm really good at it
brag brag. We also played "Ninja". I made it to the finals, but ended up losing, or I got 2nd place, depends on how you see it.
Then, choir was called to the music room. Choir and band put on an hour long concert for the school on the last day before break. As I have previously mentioned, I have a solo in one of the songs that we sing. I was really freaking out. I had a cold and I was afraid I would crack or sound nasally in front of the entire school. Anyways, singing alone was so weird. I was literally the only voice in an auditorium full of people generally older than I am. I was so scared... I sounded good, but I feel like I could have done better, had I not been sick.
The chamber choir, which is basically the advanced choir, sang. They sounded positively beautiful. Gorgeous! One of the seniors in chamber choir and I are pretty good friends, and she said the nicest thing after the concert. She said... she said... She said that she loves my voice and that one day I'd be in chamber choir. I don't know. I just felt soooo happy, because I did really look up to chamber choir (and her in so many ways). I wanted to hug her to death. Ughhh.. warmth and pink cupcakes.
Oh wow... Guess what just happened. I accidentally opened up another window without realizing it, and I tried to access my blog and it showed that I hadn't written anything. I tried to go back and it wouldn't let me, and before I commenced screaming, I realized that there was a separate window. Oh wow, I was out of breath for a second.
Saturday, I rolled around the house. Sunday, I rolled around the house.
I thought I'd share this frightening photo with you:
Now, I didn't have the intention of putting you through that horror when I took the photo, but I made a decision. If I really never ever want my bedroom to experience that again, I am going to have to punish myself for doing it in the first place. Best way? To embarrass myself. Tis the only way. I'm so sorry. Every time that I look at that picture I have the sudden urge to grab a broomstick and my fingers begin to make scrubbing motions.
I have to say that I am such a rebel. The entire week into weekend
my mom continuously nagged people kept telling me to clean it up. I kept putting off.
Whatever. So what? It's my room! (I didn't actually say those things, more likely, I was conveniently out of sound's reach)
Anyways, everyone went to bed on Sunday tut-tutting my failure to clean my bedroom. Around midnight, when everyone had fallen asleep, I began the operation. I was up for quite a few hours cleaning up my room. To be honest, I didn't want people to watch me struggle. By the time Christmas Eve morning featured my mother peaking through the crack between my bedroom door and the wall, while I ate breakfast downstairs, my bedroom was spotless. Ha
Christmas Eve was spent cleaning the house for our Christmas tradition. We open presents at midnight, instead of in the morning. By "we" I mean my entire family: aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents. That translates into A LOT of people and presents.
For Christmas, I was incredibly grateful. I pretty much got everything I wanted. The highlights being a ukulele, all of The Beatles' CDs, the
Little Women movie, Mumford and Sons' new album, and a book on sign language. I am so excited! Eek!
I have wanted the
Little Women movie for the longest time! You have no idea. I love that movie so much. Well, I love the book. I've read it 6 times and only once have I read the last chapter, and it was only because I was being tested on it (haha). I just couldn't allow it to end (and yes, even before the Doctor said that!) Louisa May Alcott is one of my all time favorite people. I just love her legacy to bits. She was so amazing in her time, and she grew up around Thoreau and Emerson. Thoreau and Emerson? So amazing. She was such a kickass woman. Awesome.
Anyways, in less than 24 hours, I have watched the movie twice. Both times I have shed a few tears. Claire Danes makes the most heartfelt facial expressions. She doesn't do any of that pretty crying, her face is always full of emotion and thought. When you see her cry or smile, all you want to do is cry or smile.
As the movie was playing, I kept trying to think of who reminded me of Jo. I felt like it was on the tip of my tongue, and I just couldn't get it. The way that she runs, the way that she laughs with Laurie, how young she seems, and her general unconcern with how people view her reminded me of someone. Then I realized- Tulsi. Tulsi is a dead ringer for Jo - in my humble opinion. There are some differences, of course, but they really are alike. Really. Really.
Christmas morning, we ate breakfast and then volunteered at a school that was providing food and toys to families. It was a good way to spend two hours of my Christmas. I was pleasantly surprised by how polite everyone was. Most of the people were just really happy to be there, and the atmosphere was very positive. It was the first year that we'd volunteered, and although the environment was pleasant, I can't imagine what it would be like to spend my Christmas in a crowded cafeteria with one poster that reads "Happy Holidays". I hate to say this, but as we were leaving, I really wanted to go home.
Next, I proceeded to counting down the hours until the
Doctor Who Christmas Special. It was AWESOME! I loved it! There were so many witty lines that I can't even... Ugh! It was probably my favorite one yet. So good! The dialogue was really awesome and so many times I found myself dyeing of laughter. It was just too funny.
Funny story: After the episode ended, I had to use the bathroom. Since the bathroom is upstairs, I figured I'd straighten up the living room, drop off my laptop in my bedroom, and then use the bathroom. However, I realized that I couldn't wait that long (God, what am I saying?). The remote wasn't in arms reach, and I knew that if I walked away without turning off the TV, I would be way to lazy to do it later, and I would end up getting yelled at in the morning. So, naturally, I thought "I will leave my phone here, go upstairs and use the bathroom. By the time I leave the bathroom, I will have forgotten about the TV and phone. Later on I will realize that I don't have my phone, I will remember that I left it in the living room, and then I will be forced to turn off the TV when I go to retrieve the phone!" Basically, I was trying to fool my future self into turning off the TV.
Well, all went as planned. I left the bathroom, forgot about the TV and the phone. While in the middle of writing this post, I wanted to share a certain picture that was taken on my phone, and I realized that I needed to download it to my computer. I remembered that it was downstairs, and when I went to get it, I also turned off the TV. Genius.
However, in the 10 seconds it took for me to decide on that plan, why hadn't I just turned around picked up the remote and turned off the TV in first place? I just don't understand.Why? I crack myself up.
I checked my email and I got an email from Grace! Since she no longer posts anything, I feel that I have a certain duty to fulfill. The world must fully recognize how amazing Grace is. This is part of Grace's email:
When I was younger, I was obsessed with dolls (American Girl dolls, mostly, but they've gotten dumb over the years). My BFF Shaylee and I used to have sleepovers at each others' houses and we'd bring all of our doll stuff to the other's house and play for hours. Anyway, so my doll and her bed and wardrobe (yes, wardrobe) have been collecting dust in my room and I have been *sniffles* neglecting them. *GASP!* I know, I know, it's terrible. Anyway, so I decided that it was time. So I wrapped up a doll and her wardrobe and surprised this little 4-year-old girl at my church by giving it to her. Her face when she opened it was so bright and she was smiling so wide and... she was just so happy. She is in a kind of poor family and she probably doesn't get many presents at Christmas. When we were in the elevator, a woman asked her what she was going to name the doll, and she said Grace! I felt like I could fly! I can't express how light my heart felt as her mom drove away with my childhood. For a brief second I felt regret, I felt like humans are supposed to, but then I just twirled around and felt so happy! I felt like Brent in that Whirligig book, this doll would be passed down and would follow around many little girls and go places and have stories to tell. I was effecting so many little girls just by doing this one action.
Grace, I love you! You have my permission to love Grace, too. If you previously loved Grace, even before this post, then you and I can be hipsters together.
Merry Christmas!!!