Monday, September 24, 2012

Day 14

  It's a Monday!

  Just in case you didn't know.

  I want to write about Health class.

  I think that my Health class is cursed. Seriously. I never ever forget homework for any class, but for some reason, Health is my weakness. I don't know if my teacher scaring the crap out of me has anything to do with it, but that class does crazy things to me.

  Every class I forget something.

  • A current event
  • To draw/color in a picture (my sister does that kind of work)
  • To sign something
  • To fill in a worksheet etc.
  You name it, I am almost never prepared. 

  That is so unlike me though. I don't understand it. I have never been so consistently bewildered in a class before. On the contrary, even though I customarily shun stereotypes, I've always been that girl who is put together. I would slip up once in awhile, but it just isn't in my nature. Never before have I found myself tripping to only pick myself up to trip again. 

  I am determined to get it together. 

  However, I have skated past detention in my two weeks of experience more times than I have in my entire life. I, my friends, possess the power of persuasion. 

  I'm not proud of it, and I try not to use my powers for good instead of evil. But, I have to say, my health teacher doesn't hate me as much as she should. On the contrary, I think she quite likes me. Not to mention, I aced my health test brag brag

  Speaking of super powers (I have quite a few), do you have any? I'd love to hear about them :)
  So that I can protect myself...

  Anyways, that's all for today!

  Do yourself a favor and go to

  My friend, Grace, was inspired by moi to start her own blog! It's brilliant, so do yourself a favor and go ahead and read it!


Confession: For a really long time, I would tell people that I was allergic to tobacco to keep them from smoking around me. I actually still do that once in a while, because I would really hate to have to tell someone to keep their stinks to themselves. Somehow, I think it's also sort of rude for a 9-year-old girl to ask you to stop smoking. I don't know... I'm weird. 


  1. Ha ha! Nice confession for "Confession Monday"! I want you to know that I believe in you that you will pick yourself up and not trip again! YOU CAN DO IT!!! Anyways, thanks for posting my blog on here... really thoughtful of you!
    p.s. My superpowers include being able to make people smile no matter WHAT, and I have a magical paintbrush (I call it Grace's Magical Paintbrush) that brings to life whatever I paint (kinda like Harold and the Purple Crayon; I always thought he was so cool!).

  2. Oh, I'm glad I'm not alone! Sometimes, I find that I remember something that happened, and then, a few days later, it happens AGAIN! I'm serious! The other day I was just thinking about this one time last year when I was forced to play scrabble with this boy in my class, and I thought he was cheating, and then THE SAME DAY i remembered that, my language arts teacher made us play scrabble, and guess who I got paired up with? You guessed it! HIM
    love Dragon.

    1. I can hear you going mad while reading this...
