Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day 11

The big 11... wait, have I used that joke already?

  Anyways, I nearly forgot to do this. I had all of these numbers in my head, while preparing for an uber important math test, and just before going to bed I remembered you.

  Lucky you...

  While signing in, I kept typing my username incorrectly. Instead of Minawho... I kept typing Minapoo. Minapoo. Minapoo.

  I'm tired. I'm tired. I really, really tired.

  But not only am I normal tired, I'm MATH tired. That's a special breed of exhausted.

-D.F.T (yahn).B.A-


  1. Ahh... I've been math tired before. It's a terrible disease-like feeling. :(

  2. I've never been math tired before... maybe it has something to do with never studying for math...
    drag on!
