Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Day 1

High school.

  It sounds like such a big and scary word. But, walking into History this morning, it didn't seem so scary after all. You know, I can say the usual: Everything was good. The people were nice, and the teachers seemed nice enough. Everything was good.

  Anyways, that's how I felt at the END of the day. At 8:27 am, with only 8 minutes to make it to my first class and a walk ahead of me that usually took 15 minutes, I would not have told you that "everything was good".

  Arriving at the building at exactly 8:34, after a medley of jogging, speeding walking, and just plain, old-fashioned running, I walked into French. But, of course, I wasn't supposed to be in French, I was supposed to be in History. So, basically, a class full of seniors all looked up at me, and as I was about to use all of my remaining energy to sprint to the door, they helped me out and explained how the new schedule worked. Off to history I went.

  I walked into the room sweaty and disgusting, a wonderful impression for the first day of school, I'm sure. I took my seat, and enjoyed the rest of my class, anyways.

  The rest of my day went splendidly. I was pretty good with finding my way (I didn't get lost not one time after the morning incident brag brag). The only mistake I made was walking up a down staircase. THAT was scary. Just imagine Freshman, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors all rushing down the steps, acknowledging that they had 2 minutes to get to class, and you're that stupid freshman girl mumbling "excuse me" and "sorry", as people shove you left and right. It was bad. I got off at the next floor, needless to say.

  Above all else, I would say that Day 1 was successful. I'm an optimist, I like to look at the bright side of things, and today everything was good.

  OK, so maybe everything was an overstatement. But still.




  1. sound like a very distressed girl. No, I kid you completely, well maybe not fully, but back to the point! I found this blog to be very true in the sense of worry and fear of not giving a great impression to teachers(which btw is VERY important). However, a side to high school that most people do not realize is that there is nothing to be afraid of. Sure the work can be very overbearing and the older kids may seem intimidating, but that doesn't matter at all if you "keep your head in the game". (High School Musical reference, just letting you know) Anyways, now that that is out of the way I would just like to say that this is a greatly written blog for a first day of high school. It actually paints a perfect picture of what my first day of high school was like too. Ahh, those were the days, but enough about me. Keep up this blog and you will improve in ways you didn't would be possible with just a blog. You probably already know this, being yourself, but having a blog relieves stress for those who love to write and makes you smarter because after all "if you want to get better at writing keep writing!" Oh well, thats all I have to say for now, but seriously keep that blogs up. They are very entertaining to look at.

    P.S. I went up the down staircase several times today and didn't even realize until I got a bunch of death stares from other students.

  2. Hey Yazzy! I loved hearing about your first day of high school! I can't stop inwardly chuckling (does that make sense?) about silly old Yasmine going up the down staircase like the little stoic you are. :)
    I was thinking about how helpful this will be to me for my future days of high school and I could maybe use this blog as my 'High School User's Guide' if you know what I mean. I'll follow in your footsteps, learn from your mistakes. I'll let you find out what NOT to do for me! ;) No pressure there, right?

    1. No pressure at all! I would love for my posts to be helpful! I'm just happy that you're inwardly chucking! :)

  3. I'm happy you had a...good?first day Yasmina. I think anonymous (see above) is absolutally correct. Your a wonderful writer, girl, I will never compare. I'm sorry this is a -little - late! ;3
    p.s. am I fooling anyone with that name?

    1. Thank you! Don't be so hard on yourself, my writing has only improved because I try and write anything I feel like as often as possible!
