Hello Ms. Hoffman.
Yikes! I'm sort of scared to write anything now. I'm afraid I'll misspell something, or make a grammar mistake. I mean, I wouldn't want to misspell dying again, right? That would just be plain humiliating...
Yeah. Grace told me :) I sort of spazzed out in the middle of Central Park. Actually, I'm sort of in between spazzing out again and throwing up.
(Ella: you know that face that you make sometimes during awkward moments when I look over towards you during biology? I'm making a whole lot of those faces.)
Anyways, if you happen to ever read this, Ms. Hoffman, I just wanted to say hello! Also, I just had this crazy thought that you would print out each of my posts and correct every mistake with a bloody red pen. Then, I'd get a bundle of pages in the mail with all of my mistakes, and I'd just start ugly crying. But, am I crying because of all of my mistakes? Or am I all nostalgic, because I miss you correcting me with a bloody red pen?
The world may never know....
I'm so dramatic. I crack myself up every time I read "1 Girl. 4 Years of High School."
Ha... I was actually outside of the school at 7:45 on Thursday, and I was just bobbing up and down like a creeper thinking "please, please walk by! please!" I don't know what I would have said so... Anyways, Ms. Hoffman!! Wow!!! I miss you!!! Ahhhhhh..... You're reading this. Or maybe you aren't. I'll just pretend that you are, just in case. This is so scary. My stomach is doing flips. My stomach needs to teach me how to do flips. Ahhh!! Hello!
(You know, Javas also told me that I have a lot of mistakes on here. So, I went back and corrected all of the mistakes I could see.)
Normal post begins here. Ha... normal. Am I normal? Before there was a Mr. Flanagan, Ms. Hoffman was my Language Arts teacher. Gracie informed me today casually that she happened to mention my blog (Darn it Cabarn it, Grace!) to her. I'm so jealous. For some reason, I can barely imagine my old school right now. I can't even... Oh wow. I better stop.
Today was pretty cool between crazy panicking over homework and spending awesomesaucical time with my friends. You know, this is random, but I never quite understood why kids need homework. I understand that you need to make sure that the kid knows the stuff, but what they should do is lengthen the school day to accommodate independent study time. That way, when kids leave school, they are actually leaving school, and you can go ahead and do whatever it is you do after school. But that's a whole other issue with learning responsibility and blah blah blah, how did I get here?
At the park today, there was some huge concert going on that I didn't care about. It seemed like the whole city was in the park. Apparently like 60,000 people or something. The Black Eyed Peas and the Foo Fighters were there. It was really annoying actually. Later on, my dad's friend asked why I didn't care. I told him that I just didn't really like their music, and he jokingly told me that I should care because they're cool, and that I should try to be a little cooler. I told him that I was working on it.
I just try so hard to be cool, you know? Why else live?
Today, there were really cute squirrels in the more remote area of Central Park. They were like a foot away from me, and they were just soooo cute! In the rambles of the park, we found a tiny stream with a little bridge, and it was just so nice. You couldn't see the skyline and you could only hear birds chirping, well and Tulsi chirping. You would never know you were in Manhattan. Also, the awesomest poodle, named Scarlet, came up to us while we were resting and licked the side of my face. I laughed it off, but now that I think about it, that's sort of gross. Oh well! Scarlet was too much fun to resist.
Right before leaving the park, Grace was talking about how when people imagine the future they think of the age of robots and technology. She made the point that that's not the future, that's now. I don't like that. If the world gets anymore obsessed with phones and televisions and video games and all that jazz, I may just strangle myself. Now is not too bad, you can still live a down to Earth life and have technology on your side. But if everything, like books and things, are forgotten, and technological advancements take their place, I would hate that.
I have to admit that I have a pretty horrible view of humans. Don't get me started about humans. Humans are just so cool.
Grace and I were singing songs by Of Monster and Men (my favorite band, tied with Florence + the Machine, and maybe also the Imagine Dragons), and I thought that it's a good thing that we're not in the same class, because Ms. Hoffman would kick us out for singing. There is one song in particular that we sing really well, we even wrote a harmony for it! Mr. Beams said once that we sing it better then they do, but I refuse to believe that.
Anyways "Doctor Who" is about to begin!!! Amy and Rory's last episode!! I'm so upset!
Also, on a quick note, this is my last September post. 1 month down, 31 to go!
PS I've just watched Doctor Who. It was such a beautiful episode. I'm crying. I'm going to miss Amelia Pond so much!!! What's so amazing is that the episode was partially filmed exactly where we were seated in Central Park today. Wow, I'm so sad. That episode was just... I love Doctor Who. Rory was amazing in this episode as well. Just amazing. Ugh..... I hate this so much. Amy was my companion. This season has been Amy's season, no doubt about it. Steven Moffat and all of the amazing writers on the team just gave her the best lines. The script has been so good. Ugh... I love Doctor Who so much!
Yikes! I'm sort of scared to write anything now. I'm afraid I'll misspell something, or make a grammar mistake. I mean, I wouldn't want to misspell dying again, right? That would just be plain humiliating...
Yeah. Grace told me :) I sort of spazzed out in the middle of Central Park. Actually, I'm sort of in between spazzing out again and throwing up.
(Ella: you know that face that you make sometimes during awkward moments when I look over towards you during biology? I'm making a whole lot of those faces.)
Anyways, if you happen to ever read this, Ms. Hoffman, I just wanted to say hello! Also, I just had this crazy thought that you would print out each of my posts and correct every mistake with a bloody red pen. Then, I'd get a bundle of pages in the mail with all of my mistakes, and I'd just start ugly crying. But, am I crying because of all of my mistakes? Or am I all nostalgic, because I miss you correcting me with a bloody red pen?
The world may never know....
I'm so dramatic. I crack myself up every time I read "1 Girl. 4 Years of High School."
Ha... I was actually outside of the school at 7:45 on Thursday, and I was just bobbing up and down like a creeper thinking "please, please walk by! please!" I don't know what I would have said so... Anyways, Ms. Hoffman!! Wow!!! I miss you!!! Ahhhhhh..... You're reading this. Or maybe you aren't. I'll just pretend that you are, just in case. This is so scary. My stomach is doing flips. My stomach needs to teach me how to do flips. Ahhh!! Hello!
(You know, Javas also told me that I have a lot of mistakes on here. So, I went back and corrected all of the mistakes I could see.)
Normal post begins here. Ha... normal. Am I normal? Before there was a Mr. Flanagan, Ms. Hoffman was my Language Arts teacher. Gracie informed me today casually that she happened to mention my blog (Darn it Cabarn it, Grace!) to her. I'm so jealous. For some reason, I can barely imagine my old school right now. I can't even... Oh wow. I better stop.
Today was pretty cool between crazy panicking over homework and spending awesomesaucical time with my friends. You know, this is random, but I never quite understood why kids need homework. I understand that you need to make sure that the kid knows the stuff, but what they should do is lengthen the school day to accommodate independent study time. That way, when kids leave school, they are actually leaving school, and you can go ahead and do whatever it is you do after school. But that's a whole other issue with learning responsibility and blah blah blah, how did I get here?
At the park today, there was some huge concert going on that I didn't care about. It seemed like the whole city was in the park. Apparently like 60,000 people or something. The Black Eyed Peas and the Foo Fighters were there. It was really annoying actually. Later on, my dad's friend asked why I didn't care. I told him that I just didn't really like their music, and he jokingly told me that I should care because they're cool, and that I should try to be a little cooler. I told him that I was working on it.
I just try so hard to be cool, you know? Why else live?
Today, there were really cute squirrels in the more remote area of Central Park. They were like a foot away from me, and they were just soooo cute! In the rambles of the park, we found a tiny stream with a little bridge, and it was just so nice. You couldn't see the skyline and you could only hear birds chirping, well and Tulsi chirping. You would never know you were in Manhattan. Also, the awesomest poodle, named Scarlet, came up to us while we were resting and licked the side of my face. I laughed it off, but now that I think about it, that's sort of gross. Oh well! Scarlet was too much fun to resist.
Right before leaving the park, Grace was talking about how when people imagine the future they think of the age of robots and technology. She made the point that that's not the future, that's now. I don't like that. If the world gets anymore obsessed with phones and televisions and video games and all that jazz, I may just strangle myself. Now is not too bad, you can still live a down to Earth life and have technology on your side. But if everything, like books and things, are forgotten, and technological advancements take their place, I would hate that.
I have to admit that I have a pretty horrible view of humans. Don't get me started about humans. Humans are just so cool.
Grace and I were singing songs by Of Monster and Men (my favorite band, tied with Florence + the Machine, and maybe also the Imagine Dragons), and I thought that it's a good thing that we're not in the same class, because Ms. Hoffman would kick us out for singing. There is one song in particular that we sing really well, we even wrote a harmony for it! Mr. Beams said once that we sing it better then they do, but I refuse to believe that.
Anyways "Doctor Who" is about to begin!!! Amy and Rory's last episode!! I'm so upset!
Also, on a quick note, this is my last September post. 1 month down, 31 to go!
PS I've just watched Doctor Who. It was such a beautiful episode. I'm crying. I'm going to miss Amelia Pond so much!!! What's so amazing is that the episode was partially filmed exactly where we were seated in Central Park today. Wow, I'm so sad. That episode was just... I love Doctor Who. Rory was amazing in this episode as well. Just amazing. Ugh..... I hate this so much. Amy was my companion. This season has been Amy's season, no doubt about it. Steven Moffat and all of the amazing writers on the team just gave her the best lines. The script has been so good. Ugh... I love Doctor Who so much!