Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day 86


  So, I was asked to get to theatre by 7:15 this morning to practice for the competition on Saturday. I was on time, and when I walked in I asked if I could go upstairs. The security guard wouldn't let me go upstairs until the other security guards were in or something. Anyways, I wasn't allowed upstairs until 7:50. The entire time I was just thinking that I could have been asleep. Did she think that I wanted to waste my morning sitting on the front steps? Couldn't she have checked my bag herself for any guns? Ugh. Meanwhile, I'm complaining, but believe it or not I woke up at 6:55. I took a really quick shower, got dressed in 5 minutes, and ran. And for what?

  For the play that I'm in, I play a Jewish character. I tested out speaking in a Jewish accent today. I play one of the funny characters, and I can't decide if they were laughing at my jokes, or at my accent. Oi vey, it's gonna be hard.

  This next paragraph is going to be completely irrelevant to you unless you watch Gossip Girl, but I'm on episode 37, and I just want to slap Nate. How could you do that to Vanessa? I mean, do you kiss every girl that you maybe, could happen, sort of have feelings for? Nate has no personality whatsoever. Not one single character on that stupid show has the emotional range beyond the capabilities of a teaspoon. The only character that I can feel remotely empathetic towards is Blair, and she is a complete... well, you know. This show is so messed up. Remind me how it isn't completely crazy that EVERYONE seems to have dated EVERYONE.


By the way, Grace and I have gotten ourselves into an argument of sorts. I'm not going to get it into it, but I just wanted Grace to know that I most definitely won, because it's what I do. Also, I wanted Grace to know that she has been inflating an ego almost the size of Tulsi's and that if she doesn't pop it herself, I will consider it my personal duty to buy her a pen.

Haha, sorry Tulsi dearest. When I thought of the word "ego", you came to mind, naturally. Oh boy, I can't wait until the next time I see you guys.

I want Ayden to have my Beatles Collection, and, no Chase, he doesn't have to share.

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