Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day 74


Yesterday, I did not post until after midnight. I have a perfectly logical explanation for this. I came home from school, completely exhausted after being sick for the last few days, and I passed out at around 6pm, and I did not wake up until after midnight. I had to finish all of my homework, and I wasn't asleep until after 3 in the morning. UGH... I'm so sorry... But, come on! Who actually considers midnight the end of the day? Not me, thats for sure (party animal tendencies, I have).

I really wish that I could have proper posted yesterday, because I had so much to tell you about. Firstly, I have an internet friend by the name of Jillian. Her blog is one that I stumbled across last year, and she kind of inspired me to start this one. She's a 17-year-old artist from somewhere in the midwest, I forget, and she drew me this picture of three of the Greek Muses:

Isn't it awesome? I think it's just too cool! I asked specifically for the muses Calliope (left), Euterpe (middle), and Clio (right). Calliope is the muse of poetry, Euterpe of song, and Clio of history.

This is her blog:

Thank you Jillian!

Guess what we're singing in choir? Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley! I'm completely ecstatic! I'm sort of upset that the sopranos don't quite get the original melody, it's kind of annoying.

I walked into school yesterday morning humming "Do You Hear the People Sing" from Les Miserables. That song is so catchy and uplifting, and it makes me want to march around. The scene from the movie was positively touching. Here it is from the Anniversary Concert:

I went to the dentist today after school. I really love my dentist, the building is so beautiful. It has that classic tudor paneling and stuff. Love it.

Guess what season is beginning? Oh you know, that totally lame show called House of Anubis. I mean, seriously, the acting is horrible. I certainly don't watch it, especially since it features Egyptian mythology and British boarding schools in a half an hour. I mean... who watches House of Anubis? Gosh, that is such a bad show, I can feel my cool cells just dying.

In L.A. Lit, the class was having a discussion about what is basically a loss of individuality. The teacher was talking about how when he was in high school, everyone belonged to clique based on what music they listened to and interests like that. There were the rap kids, the alt kids, the grunge kids, the pop kids, and the heavy metal kids. There were lots of different sects of genres of not just music- but people as well. The words choice and variety come to mind.

Now, it seems like that has sort of ended. He said that it's like everyone gets to be the cool kids, because everyone listens to and watches relatively the same programming. It's a good thing, because it means that barriers were broken. However, I find it sort of scary. I find it absolutely true that most people listen to and watch the same programming. I don't personally have a Facebook, nor do I like the pop house music on the radio, nor do I watch reality television, and I am usually completely lost during most conversations about most things. It's sort of annoying to feel a bit out of the know.

That doesn't change how scary it is that everyone my age absorbs the same programming. I think that programming and your environment tend to shape who you are and what personality you have. If everyone is absorbing the same programming and surrounding themselves with the same things, wouldn't everyone just be like everyone else? I don't think that's a good thing, that seems to me like a loss more than a gain. It seems like a loss of individuality and of the ability to know yourself through transcendence rather than what everyone around you wants you to be, or expects you to. Not to be harsh, but adults spend a lot of time convincing young kids that they are special, imagine if the answer is really "no, no you're not very special at all. In fact, you're just like everybody else..." That is Grade A scary.

The teacher went a little farther and said that, instead of having a box of crayons, all you have is gray. To which someone mumbled, "or we're all rainbow".

Anyways, I could go on for ever, but I really must end here.



1 comment:

  1. I good, proper, long post. That's why you have me, Yasmine. So you don't have to feel so left out from everything. Also, the clip from Les Miserables doesn't exist.
