This weekend has been extremely busy for me! On Saturday, I went iceskating with Tulsi, Grace, and N'dia. I had a lot of fun. It didn't take me very long to inch away from the wall. It was Grace's first time ice-skating! She didn't do poorly at all! No one was skating as well as Tulsi though. She spent the time shadowing a figure skater, and by the time that we left, Tulsi was spinning (like on skates).
When everyone was finally comfortable on skates, we ended up in the middle of the rink dancing and skating to the rhythm of the music that was being played! We did this thing where we were skating in circles, some clockwise and some counter-clockwise. Now that I think of it, I hope we go again!
I did fall, if that's what you're wondering. All though, I have to say that I don't personally consider it a legitimate fall. It MUCH more resembled me deciding to take a seat on the ice. It was me taking a seat on the ice, in slow motion. Ms. Mollie had one of those cartoon falls though. She slipped and fell backward, and we were all really scared for a second, but then she just got up.
Afterwords, we all went back to Grace and N'dia's apartment building for hot chocolate. We ended up going outside to the backyard (they live in a really nice building). In their backyard, there is this narrow alley made of rock and stone, lit by a lamp, that looks like the scene of a murder. It's pretty awesome. The alley sort of goes underground, but then leads to a cement clearing between two buildings. The cement clearing underground is still outdoors, and there is a huge wall, and the ground is at the very top of the wall. Tulsi and Grace were telling me a story about how they were locked outside once, and they were forced to climb the wall and then climb the fence. Of course, they then decided to try and do it again.
Tulsi stepped on top of the banister to the little steps at the end of the alley, then let herself fall towards the wall, right before hitting her head, she grabbed on to the wall with her hands, threw her leg over the wall and used all of her strength to inch herself up.
This was a tall wall. I swear that it was at least 9 feet tall.
Grace went ahead and did the same. Then, N'dia tried and succeeded. I was the only one left.
Yeah right. Like I was going to do that. Ha... You're funny.
I was so set on not even trying, but then I thought: Yasmine, you are a Gryffindor. Prove to everyone that you are a Gryffindor. You may be Neville Longbottom, but you are a GRYFFINDOR!
But, I was not about to do the whole banister balancing act. I looked around the clearing for anything that I could use instead. I found a few cinder blocks, but they wouldn't be enough. I looked around and saw that at the other end of the cleaning, there was a ledge in the wall. I dragged the heavy cinder blocks across the clearing, and set them up underneath the ledge. I stepped on top of the cinder blocks, got a firm grip on the top of the wall, then I stepped onto the ledge, got my leg over, and got to the top.
I was so proud of myself. I am a Gryffindor.
I realize that either this story was about how clever I am, or it's about how I let peer pressure get the best of me. You can choose for yourself I guess. I don't mind (all though, come on, I am pretty clever, right?)
At the end of the day, I headed over to Ella's house! We worked on our scene for the competition. We also did a lot of not working on our scene for the competition.
The funniest thing happened. At around 3 in the morning, we decided that we were going to write a song. We wrote some lyrics about a swing in a meadow. Haha... yeah the song is about a swing. Ella put together some accompaniment on the piano. The lyrics were really naturey and poeticy, inspired by Florence and Of Monsters and Men. We spent a few hours on it, then went to bed.
In the morning, I woke up in a fit of giggles. I was just imaging how horrible the song must be. I mean 3 in morning? That's got to be funny. I was just thinking that we were going to open up Word and cringe at how sappy the lyrics were or at how bad the song is in general. We didn't, but it would have been funny if we had.
During breakfast, Ella, her mom, and I were talking about our Portuguese relatives in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, because every Portuguese person in the US lives there. I'm serious. It turns out that Ella and I may be distant cousins. Imagine?
Today is Monday. The Inauguration was today. I didn't watch it and I feel like a horrible American. However, I did attend the last Inauguration in DC, so that can make up for it. That was a horrible experience. It was too cold to function. Never mind, I shouldn't complain. It was great, just cold. And crowded. And I couldn't hear anything. And there was nothing to see. And it was cold. No, yeah, definitely not the best experience. All though it makes for quite a story. I could tell it to my grandkids one day.
Have you noticed that the endings of my posts recently have been pretty awkward?
Umm, well, BYE