Saturday, February 23, 2013


I went skiing for the very first time today! Cue the Gryffindor jokes!

Tulsi, Miss Mollie, and I woke up before the crack of dawn to get on the bus to the mountain. Besides us, Grace's family and N'dia family also came along on the trip. Grace couldn't come though, as she was pretty sick :( I listened to music, slept and watched the scenery during the ride there. I am the most boring person to sit next to on a bus.

Anyways, I'm going to skip to the actual skiing. It was kind of difficult at first to get a hang of. I felt really unsteady trying to turn. However, after a few hours, I was so proud of myself. Look at me! Mastering the bunny slopes all by myself! I asked Miss Mollie for a sticker, but she left them in her other pants.

Grace's younger brothers, are absolutely adorable! So cute! The youngest, Ezra, is so loving. He asked for a piggy back ride around the locker room, and after I gave him one, he pretended to feed me carrots. AWWW

N'dia, Tulsi and Grace's little brother Gabe were pretty quick to ask to go to the Sugar slope (which is the next step up). I don't know how Gabe did, but Miss Mollie had a lot of fun recounting the tale of Tulsi's voyage down the mountain.

I asked Miss Mollie to describe for me the scene, and this is her word-for word-for word- for word description:

"So, I was taking my time, mastering the bunny slopes, admiring how lovely Yasmine looked in her skis, when I decided to walk over to the Sugar slope to see how my own daughter was doing. As I approached the bottom of the slope, I heard a blood curdling scream. It was quite a frightening one: a combination of utter terror and wilting petals. I turned around to see what brute of human had produced the sound, when it suddenly struck me. Whizzing down the mountain faster than a Buggati was my daughter Tulsi. Her mouth open wide enough to swallow a pigeon, Tulsi was approaching a large crowd of people gathered at the end of the slope. I knew that I had to make a quick decision of what to do. Tulsi is my daughter, after all. My baby! I am her mother, and her protecter. I eventually made up my mind. I had assembled a plan: the kind of plan only Yasmine could think up (smart girl, she is). I was going to simply watch. As Tulsi flew past, nose red, arms flailing (nearly ripping out of their sockets), I popped some corn and watched my beloved go. I was so proud of her in that moment, such a brave girl. I knew that I had prepared her for the very worst in life. Tulsi, the dear, made her way to the end of the slope, through the crowd of people, down to the end of the snow and into a stockpile of skis and snowboards. I went to see how she was doing, and to help her up, Tulsi replied that her leg was causing her some distress, the poor dear. I did my duty as her mother, and offered her some popcorn. What a story, eh?"
  - Mollie, 2013

Hahaha, skiing was pretty awesome. Miss Mollie proceeded to re-telling that story about a thousand times, it's going to become a classic. I'm so glad that I got to go! Thank you Miss Mollie!


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